Water from Wilderness Areas

The Source
When out in "the bush", most people look for a clear and sparkling source of water. Such water is certainly more pleasant to drink than water full of algae, weeds, and grit, but it's not necessarily clean or safe. In fact, almost all open water in Canada's wilderness areas is contaminated with Giardia lamblia (the cause of "beaver fever") to some extent. It only takes one Giardia-infected animal in the water upstream to create a problem.

All water from wilderness sources should be treated before drinking, either by boiling, by passage through a hand-pumped portable water purifier, or by treatment with purification tablets.

Preventing Contamination After Treatment
Once water has been purified, it must be stored in a sealed container that has been washed out only with purified water - not rinsed in a nearby stream!

Municipal Water Supply
Wells in Rural Areas
Strategies for Less-Developed Areas